| Maintenance | Unmatched Crosswalk

Add NDCs to Unmatched CDMs

You can manually associate a NDC with an unmatched CDM. This allows you to match a CDM with a NDC that is not listed on the Unmatched Crosswalk page.

1       From the Maintenance menu, select Unmatched Crosswalk.

The Unmatched Crosswalk page opens.

2       Right-click an unmatched CDM, and select ADD NEW (W/O NDC SELECTED).

The Crosswalk Detail page opens with the selected CDM and CDM description populated.

3       Enter the information in remaining fields:

  • Active: Defaults to Yes if you are actively charging.  Select No to deactivate. Go to the Deactivate/Reactivate Crosswalk Relationship topic for further information.  
  • Do Not Sub: Defaults to No. Select Yes if you want to exclude the NDC from auto substitution. Go to the Exclude from Auto Substitution topic for further information.
  • CDM: Enter the charge code of the dispenses product.
  • CDM Description: Enter the charge code description.
  • NDC: Enter the valid 11-digit (outer) NDC.
  • NDC Description: Enter the vendor description for the NDC.
  • J-Code: Optional field; for reference only. Enter the J-Code for the item.
  • BUPP: Enter the BUPP for the NDC. Go to The Importance of the BUPP and How to Calculate It topic for further information.
  • Vendor: Select the vendor from whom the NDC is purchased.
  • Effective: Select the effective date to begin accumulating packages.
  • Notes: Optional field; for reference only. Enter any notes in this field.

4       Click Save Crosswalk Item.

            The CDM is matched to the new NDC.