| Maintenance | Active Crosswalk

Deactivate/Reactivate Crosswalk Relationship

The following instructions describe how to deactivate and reactivate a relationship in the active crosswalk.

Important! Upon deactivation of a CDM, any accumulations earned from the charge and dispense of the CDM will remain. Deactivating a CDM prevents further accumulations from being earned going forward.

1       Hover over the Maintenance menu and select Active Crosswalk.

2       Right-click the CDM whose relationship you want to change and select EDIT CROSSWALK.

The EDIT CROSSWALK Crosswalk Detail window opens.

3       In the Active status, select No radio.

4       Click Save and Apply.
The CDM does not disappear from the Active Crosswalk; instead, you will see a gray X next to the CDM to indicate it is deactivated.

Once deactivated, the crosswalk history cannot be viewed by clicking the + plus sign. Crosswalk history items are only viewable if the relationship is active.

If you then look in the Unmatched Crosswalk for the CDM you just deactivated (from the Maintenance menu, select Unmatched Crosswalk), its status will be I (Inactive).

5       In the Unmatched Crosswalk, to view all inactive CDMs, click the Exclusions button in the top toolbar.

The Pharmacy Exclusions window opens.

6       In the EXCLUSION TYPE field, click the drop-down arrow and select Inactive CDM.
The window displays all deactivated CDMs, listed by the date it was deactivated and by the user who deactivated the CDM.

NOTE: Inactive CDMs cannot be removed or reactivated from this page.

Why would you want to deactivate CDMs in the Crosswalk?

You may want to deactivate CDMs in the crosswalk if you feel the CDM(s) should no longer earn accumulations, but you want to keep previous accumulations earned.


CDM 5300007 Abacavir/Lamivudine Tab is no longer a CDM that your facility uses and you want to prevent it earning accumulations going forward it if happens to be erroneously charged again. If this CDM were deactivated, any charges received by Macro Helix will be ignored and no accumulations will accrue.

Can I delete a line in a CDM's crosswalk history?

No. It is not possible to delete relationships from showing in the crosswalk history. Each historical relationship can be activated (turned on) or deactivated (turned off), but they will always visually remain in the history.

Reactivate a CDM to Resume Accumulating

If you should decide to reactivate the CDM to resume accumulating, do the following:

1       Right-click the CDM and select EDIT CROSSWALK.

2        In the EDIT CROSSWALK Crosswalk Detail window, change the Active status from No to Yes.

3       Click Save and Apply.
If the relationship has been deactivated and then reactivated, the crosswalk history will remain deactivated (showing a gray X next to each historical item). You will need to right-click on the historical items you want activated and select Apply Relationship.