| Maintenance | Active Crosswalk

Edit Crosswalk Relationship

The crosswalk is composed of active and historical relationships.

Active Crosswalk: the NDC that is currently being accumulated.

Crosswalk History: the NDC(s) that have been matched previously to the CDM.

The Active Crosswalk page provides the ability to edit active and historical relationships.

Functions that can be performed include:

  • Edit Active Relationship
  • Add Past Relationship
  • Deactivate/Reactivate Historical Relationship  

Edit an active crosswalk relationship

To edit a crosswalk relationship,

1       From the Active Crosswalk, right-click the selected item and select EDIT CROSSWALK.
The EDIT RELATIONSHIP window opens.

2       Edit the fields in the window and click Save and Apply.
NOTE: If there is a gap or an overlap in a CDM/NDC relationship assignment dates, you will you see a popup window alerting you to this. The system will highlight any gaps that have been created, prompting you to make necessary changes to correct the gap.  If you enter a relationship with overlapping dates, the system will adjust the dates accordingly to prevent an overlap. Go to the 
View Crosswalk History topic for more information.