340B Monitor

340B Monitor Payors


From the Payors Dashboard in 340B Monitor, you can view two types of alerts: New Payors and Blank Payors. In addition, you can manage your Payor Alerts settings from this page. 

New and Blank Payors

Hospital users can be alerted when new payors are sent in drug utilization so that they can be added to the Excluded by Payor qualification filter. When new payors are received in the drug utilization file, they are alerted within 340B Monitor.

You can also be alerted to the Blank Payors received, the date on which they were received, and the imported file’s name.

For your convenience, there is also a Go to Payor List link that takes you directly to the Excluded by Payor page within Qualification Filters. Here, you can manage which payors are excluded.

Payor Alerts Settings

Users can easily toggle the Payor Alerts on or off. Remember, if you turn off an alert, then later decide to turn it back on, only alerts from the current date going forward will display.

  • Individual alerts can be cleared by clicking the Clear Alert button. 
  • As a best practice, please designate a user to be responsible for clearing alerts. 
  • Alert notifications are either PID-based (Drug Utilization and Retail Dispense) or HID-based (ADT or Patient Encounter).
  • If a PID-based alert is cleared by any user associated with the PID, it will no longer appear in the Missing Files or File Size Irregularities sections for all users.
  • If a HID-based alert is cleared, users will receive a Confirm Clear warning (as shown below), meaning it will clear alerts for users across ALL associated hospital PIDs.