340B Monitor

340B Monitor Page


The 340B Monitor dashboard provides you with tools to help manage your 340B Program more efficiently by alerting you of new data and providing a streamlined process for addressing that data. 

Currently, only hospital users have an additional 340B Monitor tab on the main menu bar. Retail users do not have access to 340B Monitor at this time. 

Accessing 340B Monitor


Clear Individual Alerts

Individual alerts can be cleared by clicking the Clear Alert button. Some alerts require additional confirmation when being cleared.


Clear All Alerts

You can also use the Clear All Alerts link to eliminate all alerts at once. This functionality works the same across all alert types.

When using the Clear All Alerts link, a confirmation pop-up will appear.

  • As a best practice, please designate a user to be responsible for clearing alerts.
  • Alert notifications are either PID-based (Drug Utilization and Retail Dispense) or HID-based (ADT or Patient Encounter):
  • If a PID-based alert is cleared by any user associated with the PID, it will no longer appear for ALL users.
  • If an HID-based alert is cleared, the user will receive a Confirm Clear warning that they are clearing alerts for ALL users across ALL associated hospital PIDs.

Actions taken on alerts are tracked in the Pharmacy Settings Transaction Log.