| Maintenance | Drug Catalog

Exclude an Item from 340B Eligibility

You can exclude drugs from 340B eligibility from the Drug Catalog page. 340B exclusions can be reversed at any time.



For any exclusions on a retail PID that are to be set retroactively into the frozen day period, you must reach out to the assigned RNA (where applicable) for approval. If the change will only affect non-frozen data, RNA approval is not required.

  1. From the Maintenance menu, select Drug Catalog.
  2. Select the check box beside the item(s) you want to exclude.
  3. Expand the Exclude Items drop-down menu.

  4. Select 340B Eligibility to exclude items on the current date

    If you want to specify an effective date for the exclusion, right-click and select EXCLUDE FROM 340B ELIGIBILITY to provide the effective and/or termination date of exclusion.
    NOTE: Any previously earned 340B accumulations will be removed upon setting an effective date of exclusion when recalculated.

  5. To make an item eligible again, repeat steps 2-4.

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