| Maintenance | Active Crosswalk

Delete Crosswalk Relationship


Upon deletion and recalculation, any accumulations earned from the charge and dispense of the deleted CDM will be DELETED. NDC(s) linked in the past that were ever purchased on 340B/GPO based on accumulations earned from this CDM could cause available packages to become negative.

To delete a crosswalk relationship,

  1. Hover over the Maintenance menu and select Active Crosswalk. The Active Crosswalk page appears.
  2. Select the crosswalk entry (a CDM).
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Right-click and select Delete from the drop-down list or select the CDM:
    2. or Click Delete in the toolbar.The ACTIVE CROSSWALK Delete window opens.The CDM disappears from the Active Crosswalk because it is no longer linked to an NDC. That CDM will now appear in the Unmatched Crosswalk with a status of Unmatched. The CDM can now be matched to any NDC or added to an exclusion list. If matched to another NDC, the previous crosswalk history relationships will remain in the crosswalk history in a deactivated status (showing a gray X).

Why would you want to delete active relationships from the crosswalk?

If a CDM should have never been linked to the specific NDC to begin with, the CDM should have never been linked in the crosswalk causing packages to accumulate or the match was initially matched incorrectly.


CDM 1234 Lidocaine 2% 5mL was initially matched in the crosswalk to the NDC 00409-4277-02 Lidocaine HCL 2% 50mL vial. Auto-Substitution will only substitute equivalent items purchased; in this case, as other Lidocaine 2% 50mL vials were purchased they were being traded into the crosswalk.  You would likely want to delete this CDM from the active crosswalk, which would erase all accumulations on the 50mL vials earned erroneously on behalf of the 5mL CDM. You would then want to match the CDM correctly to the 5mL vial you are currently purchasing and will also possibly need to add past relationships of any other equivalent 5mL NDCs being purchased in the past, going as far back as charges for the CDM were being sent to Macro Helix.

The past relationships with the 50mL NDCs will still remain in the crosswalk history, but they will have a gray X indicating they have been deactivated (are not linked and no accumulations have been earned based on the deactivated relationship). Any relationships with green checks are being applied to charges during the set date range of the relationship.