| Overview | Pharmacy Accumulations

View Accumulation Details

On the Pharmacy Accumulations page in 340B Architect, you can use the Accumulation Detail window to view accumulation and purchase history for a specific drug. To open the window: 

1. Right-click a drug on the Pharmacy Accumulation page. 

2. Select Accumulation Detail to open the Accumulation Detail window. You can change the account type displayed in the Status drop-down menu to view different accumulations, such as GPO.

3. Click the Excel icon beside the Status field to generate an excel file of the drug's accumulation details.

Tabs and Formulas

The Accumulation Detail window contains the formula that determines a drug's accumulations. The tabs correspond to the identical element in the formula.

Tab Description
Hospital Util (Utilization) Number of packages used by the hospital. If you are not a hospital pharmacy, this cell is blank. refer to the Retail Util cell.  
Hospital Arch (Archive) Number of package records stored in the archive table. Records are archived after 6 months.
Retail Util (Utilization) Number of packages used by the contract pharmacy.
Retail Arch (Archive) Number of package records stored in the archive table. Records are archived after 6 months.
Adjusted Number of packages where accumulations were manually adjusted by an administrator.
Purchase Number of packages purchased.
Purch Arch (Archive) Number of package records stored in the archive table. Records are archived after 6 months.
Pending Number of packages being processed (e.g. submitted but not delivered).
Total Number of packages available for purchase.
TPA Held Claims Lists the claims held from being sent to other TPAs. This information can be exported.

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