| Overview | Pharmacy Accumulations

NDCs with Secondary Relationships

From the Pharmacy Accumulations page, you can view the individual 340B and GPO packages for each NDC by selecting the Secondary Accumulations right click menu option. The example below illustrates 340B Packages. 

1. From the Overview menu, select Pharmacy Accumulations.
Look in the 
Key column and you will see a Link icon. In this illustration, the last line in the list of accumulations has a link. This link means that the NDC is also in the Secondary Group.

2. Right-click the item and select Secondary Accumulations.

3. In the 340B Packages column, you will see the secondary accumulations for the NDC.

4. Scroll to the right and in the 
Individual Packages column you will see the individual accumulations.

5. Scroll to the right again and in the 
Available (Total) column you will see the total available packages. These are calculated hourly.


If you see one total listed in the regular Accumulations page, and a different total in the Secondary accumulations page, it’s because the two have not been synchronized through the hourly reconciliation. Instances where the two totals do not match prior to the hourly reconciliation are typically caused by newly loaded patient utilization data or purchase data entered within the preceding hour

  • The total in the Secondary Accumulations pop-up window will always be the most current. 
  • The total in the Accumulations page will be synchronized with the Secondary Accumulations pop-up window every hour.

The Secondary details included are:

  • Ratio: used to calculate the total available packages for NDC
  • Individual Pkgs:  represents the total packages for each NDC from Accumulation Detail
  • Individual/Ratio: Individual Pkgs is divided by the Ratio
  • Group Total Pkgs: This is the sum of the Individual/Ratio for each NDC
    • ex: 66 + 0 + -60 = 6
  • Available (Total*Ration):  This is Group Total Pkgs multiplied by Ratio
    • ex: 6 * 1 = 6
    • ex: 6 * .05 = 3