340B Written Location

340B Written Location Overview Page


Welcome to the 340B Written Location Overview Page! This page provides a brief introduction 340B Written Location and how it works.


340B Written Location: Qualification Based on Location

Do you struggle with accurately qualifying prescriptions written by prescribers that work in and outside of your facility? You can now test electronic prescriptions written at your facility with confidence using 340B Written Location. 340B Written Location is a patented, automated functionality of 340B Architect that helps covered entities accurately test and qualify 340B eligible prescriptions based on the location from which it was written. 

340B Written Location allows users to confidently qualify prescriptions for 340B without the guess work of multiple rules or filters by providing a list of all eligible locations within a facility. The location can then be used for qualification purposes against a new prescription dispensing file. 



340B Written Location implementation & qualification requires the use of Written Location Rule 40. Rule 40 qualifies prescriptions using only Patient/MRN, Written Date, Written Location, and Prescriber NPI/DEA (All Criteria 1-5 Must Match).


1. Patient match #1 – A patient match is required between the written location file prescription data and the covered entity patient encounter data (MRN via PATIDs or Patient Demographics). This match provides confidence that the covered entity has documentation via a patient encounter for maintaining the record of patient care per HRSA patient definition.

2. Patient match #2 – A patient match is required between the written location file prescription data and the retail dispense data (Patient Demographics). This enables the correct electronic prescription data with written location information is matched to the correct patient’s dispense data. 

3. Provider match #3 – The provider NPI or DEA must match on the prescription from the written location file data to the retail dispense data to ensure that the prescribing provider is a credentialed provider of the covered entity. 

4. Written date match #4 – The written date on the prescription in the retail dispense data must match the written date included in the written location file prescription data to help ensure the electronic prescription with written location data is matched to the appropriate prescriptions for the patient. 

5. Written Location match #5– Once the written location files have been imported into the 340B Architect software, eligible 340B written locations will be identified. The Written Location Eligible Location Qualification Filter in 340B Architect is where you designate and maintain the prescribing locations that are 340B eligible. If a written location from the written location file is not established as a 340B eligible location in Qualification Filters, the claim will not qualify. 

• If a claim does not qualify based on the written location criteria, this rule does allow other logic/rules loaded to the covered entity to be applied for 340B eligibility testing purposes if needed. 

• Written Location intelligent logic considers all disqualifying rules/filters such as Medicaid, Brand Only, Exclusions, Winners Only, and others so that even if a written location match occurs, the prescription would not ultimately qualify for 340B further ensuring program and contract compliance.